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Read online ebook Reptile and Amphibian Keeper's Guides: Leopard and Fat-Tailed Geckos by R. D. Bartlett MOBI, EPUB


R. D. and Patricia Bartlett-widely respected experts on reptiles and amphibians-instruct readers on the animals' anatomies and life cycles, traits, care, and breeding. This updated edition of Leopard and Fat-Tailed Geckos from the Reptile and Amphibian Keeper's Guides present hobbyists and students of reptiles with vital information and checklists, plus a wealth of informative colour photos. The book also lists herpetological societies and special interest groups that readers will find helpful as sources of further information., This book advises on caging, feeding, health, colors, and breeding of Leopard Gockos, native to Pakistan, and Fat-Tailed Geckos, native to Africa, both commonly bred and readily available in the United States. Authors R. D. and Patricia Bartlett--widely respected experts on reptiles and amphibians--instruct readers on the animals' anatomies and life cycles, traits, care, and breeding. Titles in "Reptile and Amphibian Keeper's Guides " series present hobbyists and students of reptiles with vital information and checklists, plus a wealth of informative color photos. The books also list herpetological societies and special interest groups that readers will find helpful as sources of further information.

R. D. Bartlett - Reptile and Amphibian Keeper's Guides: Leopard and Fat-Tailed Geckos ebook FB2, DOC, DJV

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