Ebook Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Formal Methods for Real-Time and Probabilistic Systems : 5th International AMAST Workshop, ARTS'99, Bamberg, Germany, May 1999, Proceedings 1601 (1999, Paperback) by in TXT, EPUB


TheaimoftheARTS 99workshopistobringtogetherresearchersandpr- titioners interested in the design of real-time and probabilistic systems. It is intendedtocoverthewholespectrumofdevelopmentandapplicationofspec- cation, veri cation, analysisandconstructiontechniquesforreal-timeandpro- bilisticsystems. BeingaworkshopundertheumbrellaoftheAMASTmovement (AlgebraicMethodologyAndSoftwareTechnology), ARTSisintendedtoprovide aforumforthepresentationofapproachesthatarebasedonaclearmathema- calbasis. Aspectsofreal-timeandprobabilisticsystemsfortheworkshopinclude (butarenotlimitedto): compositionalconstructionandveri cationtechniques, automaticandmachine-supportedveri cation, casestudies, formalmethodsfor performanceanalysis, semantics, algorithmsandtools, andhybridsystems. ARTS 99wasorganisedbytheLehrstuhlfur ] Informatik7attheUniversity ofErlangen-Nurn ] bergandtookplaceattheSt]adtlicheVolkshochschuleinB- berg(Oberfranken), GermanyfromMay26{28,1999. PreviouseditionsofARTS workshopswereorganizedbytheUniversityofIowa, USA(1993), Universityof Bordeaux, France(1995), BrighamYoungUniversity, USA(1996), andGeneral SystemsDevelopment, Mallorca, Spain(1997). Previousproceedingsappeared asLNCS1231orasbooksintheAMASTSeriesofComputing. TheProgramCommitteeselected17papersfromatotalof33submissions. Each submitted paper was sent to three Program Committee members, who wereoftenassistedbysub-referees. Duringaone-weekdiscussionviae-mail, the ProgramCommitteehasmadetheselectionofthepapersonthebasisofthe reviews. Thisvolumecontainsthe17selectedpapersplus3invitedpapers(in eitherfullorabstractform). IwouldliketothanktheProgramCommitteemembersandthesub-referees fortheire orts. Ialsoliketothanktheinvitedspeakersforgivingatalkatthe workshopandfortheircontributiontotheproceedings. SpecialthankstoUlrich Herzog, ChrisMoog, TeodorRus, DiegoLatellaandRuthAbraham(Springer- Verlag)fortheirsupport. Withouttheirhelp, thiseventwouldnothavebeen possible. March1999 Joost-PieterKatoen ProgramChair ARTS 99 Invited Speakers Bengt Jonsson (Uppsala University, Sweden) Frits W. Vaandrager(University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands) Moshe Y. Vardi (Rice University, USA) Steering Committee Manfred Broy (Technical University of Munich, Germany) Edmund Clarke (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) Ulrich Herzog (University of Erlangen-Nu ]rnberg, Germany) Zohar Manna (Stanford University, USA) Maurice Nivat (University of Paris 6, France) Amir Pnueli (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel) Teodor Rus (Chair, University of Iowa, USA) ProgramCommittee Rajeev Alur (University of Pennsylvania, USA) Jos Baeten (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands) Christel Baier (University of Mannheim, Germany) Miquel Bertran (University of Ramon Llull, Spain) Antonio Cerone (University of South Australia, Australia) Rance Cleaveland (SUNY at Stony Brook, USA) Jim Davies (Oxford University, UK) Colin Fidge (University of Queensland, Australia) David de Frutos (University of Madrid, Spain) Hubert Garavel (INRIA Rhone-Alpes, France) Constance Heitmeyer (Naval Research Laboratory, USA) Tom Henzinger (University of Berkeley, USA) Jane Hillston (University of Edinburgh, UK) Joost-Pieter Katoen (University of Erlangen-Nu ]rnberg, Germany, Chair) Rom Langerak (University of Twente, The Netherla, This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Fifth International AMAST Workshop on Formal Methods for Real-Time and Probabilistic Systems, ARTS '99, held in Bamberg, Germany in May 1999.The 17 revised full papers presented together with three invited contributions were carefully reviewed and selected from 33 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on verification of probabilistic systems, model checking for probabilistic systems, semantics of probabilistic process calculi, semantics of real-time processes, real-time compilation, stochastic process algebra, and modeling and verification of real-time systems., This volume constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International AMAST Workshop on Formal Methods for Real Time and Probabilistic Systems (ARTS '99) held in Bamberg, Germany in May 1999. The 17 revised full papers presented together with three invited contributions were reviewed and selected from 33 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on verification of probabilistic systems, model checking for probabilistic systems, semantics of probabilistic process calculi, semantics of real time processes, real time compilation, stochastic process algebra, and modeling and verification of real time systems.

- Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Formal Methods for Real-Time and Probabilistic Systems : 5th International AMAST Workshop, ARTS'99, Bamberg, Germany, May 1999, Proceedings 1601 (1999, Paperback) read ebook FB2, TXT, DJV

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